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Letter: Climate cycles are natural

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James Henderson of Westfield has not done his homework. “Scientists say” is not an accurate statement. He should say, “The scientists I have read say…” The sea levels are not rising, the ice caps are not melting on a regular basis, greenhouse gasses are not rising and most of the other things Al Gore spouted back in the ’90s are not happening.

Our planet has gone through climate cycles since man has been recording them and even before that. Slashing fossil fuels will do more damage to society than less. Does James think about where his electricity comes from? If you stop burning “natural gas or coal” to fire the furnaces that turn the turbines which produce the electricity, you will live in the dark at night and not have much of a life during the day. You will simply go back to the 1700s and 1800s. I’ll bet James wouldn’t want to do that. What would power his phone, his laptop, his electric stove, his furnace fan for heat or cooling, all of the lights in his house and in his city, in his state?

I’m respectfully requesting that those in James’ camp would find an opposing view and read it. Not that it would change his mind, but you never know.

Ron Eskew, Carmel

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