Current Publishing

Teter Retreat receives grant for trail

CIN COM 1224 Teter

A $15,000 grant will fund construction of a trail through a 20-acre conservation area at Teter Retreat and Organic Farm. (Submitted photo)

A trail will soon pass through a habitat restoration site at Teter Retreat and Organic Farm, 10980 E. 221st St. The Indiana Wildlife Federation received a $15,000 grant from Duke Energy Foundation and will use the funds to build a new trail.

Director of Farm Operations Aaron Hobbs said construction will be begin soon, and he expects the trail to be completed by spring.

The habitat restoration site is the Teter Retreat’s 20-acre conservation area. A path already circles the conservation area’s perimeter. The new trail will pass through the area.

“This would actually be a trail going straight through the middle of this conservation area to open it up for people to experience that area a little bit more all the way through and down to the White River,” Hobbs said. “It would be a place where people could see the river and have access to it if they want to have a picnic or hike or see wildlife around that area.”

The project includes invasive species removal, cutting the trail and adding educational signage about pollinators and native plants.

“One of the reasons we decided to apply for this with Indiana Wildlife Federation was because we wanted to continue to help people connect to the natural world,” Hobbs said. “Today, there’s a lot of folks that are on their computers a lot or on their phones a lot, and they don’t have the opportunity to get out and enjoy nature. This area is fairly wild and not fairly accessible, but a very beautiful part of our property. This trail will allow people to get access to this area and get closer to these native plants and wildlife inhabiting that area and experience nature in a more impactful way.”

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