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Letter: Support students by voting yes on referendum

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I am an 11-year-old student at West Clay Elementary. I am in fifth grade and my name is Cooper Szotek. I am not old enough to vote. I am writing because I want to encourage adults to vote yes for the school safety referendum.

I am writing because I think our schools should be safer. We don’t have a police officer at our school all the time. Right now during a lock down drill, we barricade the door and delay the intruder until help arrives. If we had an officer at West Clay, help would arrive much faster. Please vote yes so that can happen.

I also think lots of kids have anxiety and stress at school. It has been scientifically proven that anxiety and stress makes the brain learn less efficiently. I think having more support for mental health is a good idea. Please vote yes so that can happen.

In conclusion, I think you should vote yes for me and my peers. We are your children, grandchildren, friends and neighbors. Please vote yes for us on Nov. 5.

Cooper Szotek, Carmel

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