Current Publishing

Column: Where are the American flags?

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Commentary by Jason Peek

As I sat out front of Main Street Barber Shop on Sept. 11, 2019, I flashed back to 2001 when my second oldest daughter, Ariel, was born. It was also my first year as a barber and the date of one of America’s most tragic terrorist attacks.

I remember watching the news and talking on the phone to my buddy about the first plane hitting the towers and – suddenly – seeing the second plane coming in for the attack and thinking, “Oh my goodness, we are under attack!” I don’t have to rehash all that has happened since then, because we are still living it through the media and our thoughts.

I step outside every morning and put up my American flag and my state of Indiana flag, with the American one at half-staff today. I look in all directions to see nothing flying but my flag and Edward Jones’ next door. Why? I’m on Main Street in Carmel, one of the best and fastest-growing towns in the nation, but with only two flags flying. Huh?

Is the spirit of Main Street America dying or gone except for a few who remember and care about why I can do business freely? This is not a rant but a call out to all business owners and home owners to fly Old Glory! Be proud of who we are and what that flag stands for. If you’re down on your luck, give me a holler and I’ll find a way to get some bulk flags delivered in our community to fly high and proud.

My family, friends and clients are past and present members of the military, and they deserve at bare minimum to see those colors flying.

Jason Peek is the owner of Carmel’s Main Street Barber Shop.

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