Current Publishing

Letter: Take a vacation from electronic devices

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This is in regards to the article “Traveling With Technology” that appeared in the Aug. 13 edition of Current in Carmel.

The author states that his family of five travels with at least 12 electronic devices. He then offers several tips to readers that will allow them to maximize the use of their devices when traveling. It’s all very sad.

A family vacation should be a time to disconnect from digital devices and the excesses of shallow media hype. The focus should be on experiencing new places to the fullest, interacting with each other and using your initiative and imagination to create your own entertainment.

If you can’t survive a vacation without a steady diet of Netflix, YouTube or Fortnite, then you might as well save your money and stay home.

We can choose to control our use of electronic devices, or we can allow our devices to hold control over us. Too many parents are making the wrong choice.

Dave Fox, Carmel

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