Current Publishing

Letter: Disheartened by Wilson’s column

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I was recently informed by my daughter about an article that grabbed her attention in the May 14 edition of the Current in Carmel. Having recently returned home from her first year at Butler, she was running errands with me and we were enjoying our time together after a challenging year at college and all the demands of being a full-time student.

Imagine her discouragement after reading the article entitled, “Bracing for a home invasion”.

Obviously, the title captured her attention, but what followed was a sinking heart thinking any mother would not only feel this way about her son but then give voice to those feelings by encapsulating them in print for the entertainment of others.

Then I thought, surely this is simply tongue-in-cheek rhetoric and a means to inform other parents how not to treat their children after a rigorous year at college.

I, for one, could not be more proud of my children and their individual accomplishments after an arduous school year. And I also applaud the efforts of my neighbors, friends and loved ones.

I guess if one is not proud of their child’s behavior, then maybe they should evaluate whether or not their child is a product of their environment.

In addition, I admire Current’s commitment to encourage healthy dialogue among its readers and the freedom to express our own individual viewpoints.

Thank you for this opportunity to express my views as well.

Susan Chapman Porter, Carmel

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