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Letter: Public should be aware of bus stop laws

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It’s come to our concerns that bus safety is a big problem. Many kids have been seriously injured and some even killed by reckless drivers. It’s not very usual for these accidents to be the bus driver’s fault; it’s most common for reckless drivers to hit the bus or a child. 

Our whole troop’s goal is to help tell others about how bus safety is actually a big problem. People need to know how buses need their laws, and if rules are broken, it’s dangerous.

Lily D., Girl Scout Troop 1787, Noblesville



My Girl Scout Troop found that there is a school bus stop on Allisonville Road and heard that cars do no stop at the bus’ stop sign and drive right past it. It is very unsafe for the kids that are getting onto the bus. There were three kids who got run over just trying to get onto the bus in Fulton County in October 2018. Since I’m a student who rides the bus, I’m concerned for my safety and for my fellow students. 

A.I., Girl Scout Troop 1787, Noblesville



Recently, there has been a lot of trouble with drivers driving past school bus stop arms. This is very dangerous for kids that have to cross the road. Adults don’t realize the effect that could have if they carelessly drive by a bus stop arm, like in Fulton County, where three kids waiting for the bus got hit by a careless adult. That is why people need to be more aware of their surroundings and stop at school bus stop arms. 

Claire B., Girl Scout Troop 1787, Noblesville

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