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Letter: Prayer breakfast a success

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We want to thank the many members of Westfield and surrounding communities who attended and participated in the Westfield Community Prayer Breakfast on May 2. Kyle Miller, coordinator of Social and Emotional Learning for Westfield Schools, shared a message about the struggles students face, plus the hope they receive when a community undergirds them emotionally and socially. Studies show that when just five people actively engage a student over a course of time, it prevents the student from hitting rock bottom, helps them better prepare for the future and connect with society around them.

Area prayer leaders led short segments of prayer for administrators, students, faculty and Westfield-area families. One administrator shared afterward, “I will walk on a high for days to come.”

Ruth and I invite you to next year’s prayer breakfast, May 7, 2020. We hope you will join us.

Rob and Ruth Griepentrog, Westfield

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