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Letter: Questioning a mayoral campaign  

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I have seen and heard many different “stories” about Mayor James Brainard that cause me concern. I am compelled to stand up for the mayor, the boss and the man I know James Brainard to be.

As a City of Carmel employee from January 1998 to October 2013, and as someone who worked in close proximity with the mayor on a daily basis, I can say with all honesty that Mayor Brainard’s actions and words were always professional, caring and sincere. To clarify, I was in the workforce for many years and experienced firsthand the kind of behavior and language that is unwelcome and inappropriate by co-workers and bosses or owners. Mayor James Brainard is not guilty of those traits, and so I question the timing and integrity of the source of the recent “sexual harassment” claims leveled toward Mayor Brainard.

The citizens of Carmel have a proven history of Mayor Brainard’s dramatic changes to the city during the time he has been mayor. With Mayor Brainard’s vision for Carmel, and with the support of the common council, city employees and Carmel’s citizens, together the City of Carmel has developed into a coveted treasure garnering national attention and accolades – a city to be proud of.

I know James Brainard’s qualifications, experience and devotion to the office of mayor of Carmel and I am confident in his abilities to lead the city forward in the future ahead.

I have no experience with mayoral candidate Fred Glynn and the qualifications he brings for mayor of Carmel, and I address the following questions specifically to him:

Elaine Bass, Indianapolis 

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