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Letter: Protecting the good ol’ boys

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Political endorsements speak volumes, and Luke Kenley’s endorsement of Chris Jensen for Noblesville mayor should come as no surprise to anyone; the two are peas in a pod.

Former Sen. Kenley represents the old establishment style of government, where insiders take care of each other and protect the good ol’ boy network.

Now is the time for Noblesville to be reminded to vote for leaders who understand that our government was created to be limited by the will of the people; that we are not its subjects, but it serves us.

The last thing we need in Noblesville is a continuation of the status quo – evidenced by our high taxes and low achievement – and a city hall that is out of touch with residents and beholden to corporations and developers, all things which we, the people, do not want.

It is obvious that we need new ideas and new leadership. My concern that Chris Jensen looks like more of the same old thing for Noblesville has been confirmed by one of the good ol’ boy’s endorsement of him. The Kenley endorsement of Chris Jensen confirms for me that Noblesville will continue down the same path it’s on.

Noblesville needs to take note of this endorsement and consider its implications.

Holly Wilson


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