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Letter: Trump no example of morality

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This is in response to a recent letter to the editor, “Trumping Your View.” Trump is moral? Are you serious? Trump has more than 12 accusers of sexual assault, is a serial adulterer, has been married three times and got his mistress pregnant. He has paid for multiple abortions and paid off porn stars. He also is a pathological liar.

Trump called the Nazis in Charlottesville “fine people.”

Trump didn’t listen to any facts about (U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett) Kavanaugh the drunk, he just wanted him on the Supreme Court.

The only people to get real tax cuts from Trump’s tax plan are the billionaires and their companies.

You are not pro-life unless you also are pro-fed, pro-educated and pro-healthy for every child born. If you don’t want an abortion, don’t get one. I don’t want a gun, but I’m not going to deny you your right to obtain one. I encourage you to read up on bodily autonomy.

Robyn Rickel, Carmel

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