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Letter: Vote for a council to serve

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As a fifth-generation Westfield resident, I have seen lots of changes. The most change I’ve seen is how our community government is run. The election is coming up and we have an opportunity to decide our clerk-treasurer and city council members. My experience as a government accounting software specialist has allowed me to follow the financials of the city.  I can tell you that Cindy Gossard is doing her job and support her in re-election for clerk-treasurer. I also am concerned with the city council officials.  Cindy Spoljaric has been the most transparent. Troy Patton has a very impressive background that Westfield needs. With his background he will do his part to see that city business will be run efficiently and transparently.  In my district there are two candidates running. While they are both good men, I support Bob Beaudry for councilman because he has the time to put in to serve our community. It takes about 30 hours a week to serve. Mike Johns has an excellent background and (is) very articulate to serve District 5. Scott Frei is the man for District 4.  He knows what it is to serve the people of the community. I have done my homework, have you done yours? Vote for a council that will serve and make the smart decisions for what this community needs.  Vote for Cindy Gossard to keep the treasurer’s office running efficiently.

Judith Stanley Shuck, Westfield

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