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Letter: Stop the Bleed training should expand

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April marks the 20th anniversary of the Columbine High School shootings, and since that time, mass shootings have become a regular occurrence in suburban America. We recently averted tragedy in Noblesville because of the brave actions of teacher Jason Seaman. Federal, state and local governments are responding with school campus security measures and police-response tactics, all hoping to either prevent or mitigate these events.

Advances in combat medicine also are helping save lives during mass shootings and in acts of terror such as the Boston Marathon bombings. Hard lessons in Iraq and Afghanistan have shown that buddy aid and self-aid with aggressive use of tourniquets and quick-clotting dressings reduce battlefield deaths. These techniques are now being taught in “Stop the Bleed” campaigns, which are recommended by public safety experts to train the public and deploy bleeding-control kits.

The Carmel Fire Dept. recently teamed with Carmel Clay Schools to conduct “Stop the Bleed” training for school personnel and to provide these kits. This excellent program should now be expanded across the city. Carmel is host to a growing number of large events that could become mass-casualty scenarios through accidents, acts of God or bad actors. By expanding “Stop the Bleed” training to the general public and co-locating bleeding-control kits in public venues next to automated external defibrillators, Carmel will be better prepared should the unthinkable occur.

Dr. Tim Hannon, at-large candidate for Carmel City Council

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