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Letter: Being heard will be a refreshing change

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To all Noblesville residents: In just a few months, we’ll have the mayoral (primary) election, and if you’ve been paying attention, alarming things continue to happen in our city that don’t serve us as residents well. 

I’ve known Mike Corbett for years, and he is there at every Noblesville event. The Duck Race? He’s volunteering. The Bed Race? Yep. The Home Tour? He’s there, too. The Noblesville Preservation Alliance Board Meetings, Common Council? Yes, and yes.

The NPA Old Town Work Crew, a grassroots effort to help residents of Old Town with their old houses (aka money pits) keep up with updates/repairs. Mike is there lending a hand and knowledge. Every. Single. Time.

Mike has no reason to be so involved, except that he loves this town, is concerned about how Noblesville can be the best it can be, and he truly cares about its residents.

Having a voice and being heard will be a refreshing change in this city – one of working together and not fighting ill-conceived plans that come with lasting consequences.

I want to encourage all Noblesville citizens to consider voting for Mike this coming May.

Krista Bocko


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