Current Publishing

Graduate profile: Megan Sopoci

By Desiree Williams

Megan Sopoci is a 2013 graduate of Fishers High School. Sopoci, 24, earned a bachelor’s degree in communicative disorders with a minor in child and family studies from Northern Illinois University in May 2017, where she also was part of the gymnastics team. She is  pursuing a master’s degree in speech pathology from Kent State University.

Q: What was your favorite subject and why?

A: English and art. Art, specifically ceramics, felt like an academic break that I was also passionate about. English was a strength for me. So, both art and English seemed to relieve stress during my school day.

Q: What were you involved in during high school?

A: The main thing that I was involved with in high school was gymnastics at DeVeaus’s (School of Gymnastics). I am very grateful for DeVeau’s because it played a large role in my achievement of competing in gymnastics in college.

Q: What do you miss about high school?

A: I miss the simplicity of everything. When I look back at high school, I miss the friendships and how stress-free academics were.

Q: Who has been your most influential teacher?
Mr. (Glenn) Seland because he taught with such passion, excitement and kindness. That definitely has influenced the way I interact with clients and students.

Q: Why did you choose speech and language pathology?
I was interested to work with children with all types of disabilities. Communication is such a powerful tool that many people take for granted. It is such a difficult yet rewarding job, but when you see a child improve in their communication skills, it is definitely worth the time and effort.

Q: What is your dream job?
To become a speech pathologist in a center that I enjoy, whether that’s in an elementary or specialized school, hospital or clinic. If I enjoy my work, then I will never work a day in my life.

Q: Do you have any advice for younger students?
Enjoy the little things because time goes quickly. Cherish relationships, never turn down an opportunity to make memories and don’t take people for granted. 

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