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Legacy Stone Church expands into debt-free building

Legacy Stone Church is growing and will develop a new property to expand into at 20101 Grassy Branch Rd.


“The church is growing, we need more space,” Lead Pastor Joe Lightner said. “The property we are relocating to has that developmental opportunity for us. We can develop it into space for ministries and stuff.”

The property Legacy Stone is relocating into is debt-free, and it is 9.19 acres. The building on the property was constructed in 2009.

In 2015, the church would host weekly worship gatherings on Sundays inside of the Regal Movie Theater on 146th Street until it expanded to a building off Ind. 32 in 2016.

The new property is adjacent to the Northpoint development at the northwest corner of Grassy Branch Road and 196th Street, which Lightner calls a strategic location in the community.

Legacy Stone Church will further develop the church in three phases. (Submitted photo)

The building and property will be further developed by the church in three separate phases. Phase I, which is currently underway, includes remodeling the existing building layout, adding a playground and adding a sports field. Phase II will add additional children’s spaces and expand parking. Phase III adds an additional worship space and expands parking again.

Legacy Stone will kick off its grand opening weekend with its inaugural bonfire festival from 6 to 9 p.m. Oct. 26, including food, inflatables and games. A grand opening worship celebration at 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. Oct. 28.

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