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Letter: Navigation help would be nice

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A couple weeks ago, as I was approaching Range Line Road (heading east on 136th Street). I saw that the roundabout was closed. I turned on the side streets to go around the closure and get back on 136th. As I tried to find an alternate route, I drove around a road barricade sign. Realizing there was no road that would get me back to 136th, I turned around.

As soon as I did, a police officer on a motorcycle pulled me over. I was in shock, and both my young son and my niece instinctively inquired as to why we were getting pulled over.   After all, we were just trying to find our way home!

The police officer issued me a written warning and a lecture about driving through the closed road barricade. I was pulled over, given an unnecessary lecture and written warning. He stated that only people who are patrons of the businesses on this street were allowed to enter past the sign, as it’s not fair to (business owners) to have this extra traffic. I have to include that this road that I had entered illegally was Range Line Road. Do people not drive on this street when the road isn’t closed? But I digress.

I have always had deep respect and appreciation for police officers, and I want that message to be received by my kids. After we left, the kids were in shock and disbelief that an officer would pull us over when we were just trying to find our way around the closed roundabout. I know and understand that ignorance does not provide us immunity to the law. However, in a city with so many current closures, and only sporadic signage with alternate routes provided, I find it disappointing that a police officer would pull over a driver who was only trying to navigate yet another roundabout closed for construction. Perhaps a little help with directions could have been a more appropriate and decent alternative.

Jordan Tauber, Carmel

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