Current Publishing

Letter: Local artist owed an apology

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As official non-mayors of Carmel, we owe a huge apology to Michael Lee, a Carmel High School art teacher stiffed by the unelected City Hall elites of Carmel: A City to Experience.

Current reported that, in good faith, Lee contracted with the city in February to design and paint a mural on the south side of a parking garage for $18,000. He previously painted one on the Carmel Old Town Antique Mall 11 years ago.

He was paid $200 and the contract was re-let to a Nashville, Tenn., designer and an Indianapolis paint studio for $34,525.

This decision by a group of appointed friends of elected politicians makes perfect sense.

A proven, local professional is tossed aside for an expensive out-of-town combo at nearly twice the price (91.8 percent higher).

In his April 15, 1995 “Contract With Carmel,” candidate James Brainard vowed to “Cut Out Waste,” and swore:

“You pay for a car for the Mayor. You pay for the Mayor’s Press Secretary. You pay for a Deputy Mayor/Administrative Assistant. You paid $157,000 for the gazebo on the front lawn of City Hall. I will work to cut out these types of wasteful spending.”

There goes another contract.

Bill Shaffer, Carmel

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