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Carmel International Arts Festival, Andretti Autosport partner with Primrose to thank military

The Carmel International Arts Festival’s partnership with Andretti Autosport’s Military to Motorsports will give children a chance to display their artistic skills. There will be a booth at the festival where children, ages 2 to 12, can design various projects.


Primrose school students are working on three different patriotic-themed art projects. The children will include thank you notes to military members. Military to Motorsports provides qualified veterans with the opportunity to use their skill sets working at Andretti Autosport or within its extended network of partners.

“(CIAF board member) Brett Waliczek contacted me regarding this opportunity and we were thrilled to join in this amazing opportunity to share the love of the arts as well as honor our military,” said Julia Bowman, owner of Primrose School at Bridgewater, West Carmel & WestClay.

Waliczek said he reached out to Bowman to see if her team would be interested in being a sponsor of Young@Art and leading the efforts for the art projects this year.

“I have just realized how blessed we are to have the freedoms of living in this country and that the art projects would be a great way to show the appreciation to those that selflessly service and protect our nation and freedoms,” Waliczek said.

Waliczek said AARP, a corporate sponsor, is underwriting the costs of all of the art supplies for the projects. As part of the partnership, Andretti Autosport is displaying the Military to Motorsports replica car.

Bowman said there are four Primrose schools participating, West Carmel, WestClay, Carmel and Geist.

“Between the four schools, we will have at least 800 students plus all the children of the Carmel community that are invited to join us,” Bowman said. “Art is a vital part of our history and our current lives. Children should be given the opportunity to explore and learn through art. Children will have the opportunity at this event to use their creative expression to show our military that they appreciate what they do for our country.”

Primrose offers preschool care infants up through full day kindergarten. The schools also offer before and after school care for school age children.

There will multiple teachers and office staff there to help the children complete their military art projects as well as share the Primrose philosophy.

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