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Letter: Maki is the right person at the right time

Your Views

Your Views

Dear Editor and Hamilton County Council District One Voters,

I recommend Sue Maki for Hamilton County Council. From Sue’s experience as a volunteer in Carmel Clay Schools, to her leadership in Carmel Rotary, to service on county level commissions, Sue has broad knowledge of her community. Here is a quick look at some of Sue’s activities that make her qualified for your vote for county council:

Sue’s background confirms that she understands the importance of public infrastructure and public safety; that she understands financial management and budgeting; and that she is prepared to serve Hamilton County voters. Sue’s endorsements reflect the respect in which she is held and the confidence that voters can have in her ability to serve us in County Council District One.

Not only does her professional experience speak for itself, but Sue is a great person and friend. She is a listener, open to new ideas and someone you can depend on no matter what.

Sue Maki is the right person at the right time. Sue Maki is the best choice for your vote.

Judy Hagan

Clay Township Trustee 1999-2006


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