Current Publishing

Column: No More Secrets campaign launches

CIF COM Candidates Debbie Driskell


Commentary by Debbie Driskell, Delaware Township Trustee

As the Trustee for Delaware Township, it is my duty to provide assistance to families in crisis. It is also my passion to serve people in pain. For more than 20 years as your trustee, I’ve witnessed people and families in desperate need of employment, food and other life necessities. Despite the struggles of our clients on the surface, as my staff and I peeled back the layers of their barriers, we recognized mental health issues were crippling our clients from becoming self-sufficient. Although our clients were exhibiting signs of mental instability, I had a feeling that maybe they had secrets just like me. As I started to research, I found an alarming statistic: Indiana ranks No. 2 in the nation for the number of reported child sexual abuse cases. Equipped with this startling information and fueled by my passion, I decided to start the No More Secrets campaign – a public awareness campaign designed to raise awareness about child sexual abuse.

It is my sincere hope we will become equipped as a community to protect our children from sexual abuse. As the Trustee, I recognize Fishers is the fastest growing city in Indiana. Our community is safe, strong and unified. However, I also know from first-hand experience, this issue can affect anyone and transcends race, socio-economics and religion. I share the pain of wearing a mask and carrying this secret for nearly 50 years. I am your Trustee, and I am a survivor of child sexual abuse.

I invite every household in Fishers to join us over the next few weeks as our partners shed light on this dark issue that affects 1 in 4 girls by the age of 18 and 1 in 6 boys. Collectively, as Townships in Hamilton County, nonprofits, and government entities, we stand united to prevent child sexual abuse in our community. Join us on April 30th as we take bold steps to equip ourselves to protect children in Fishers. For more, visit

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