Current Publishing

Letter: Let’s talk about water

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We have been living in Carmel for four years now. Living in Carmel is wonderful for my family and me. I also enjoy reading Current in Carmel from cover to cover. You are doing a great job of keeping Carmel residents abreast of what is happening in Carmel.

One thing we would really like to see is some type of factual article related to Carmel’s drinking water. As we all know water is one of the most important ingredients we all living beings depend on for our survival. My family is very health conscious just like all other residents are. Yet we don’t hear anything ever addressed about drinking water in Carmel. Is it safe to drink tap water or not?

I will admit that I know very little about drinking water issue. Therefore, I would like to start a conversation with fellow readers on drinking water. It is probably true that almost all homes in Carmel have water softeners. Average water softeners can cost as much as $4,000 to install.  These require salt to run, which is not cheap either.  Without soft water, plumbings, fixtures, etc. in homes are damaged; dishes do not clean properly; clothes do not clean; and many other problems occur. Many homes also have some sort of drinking water filtration system, which are expensive to install and run. On top of these we all keep buying bottled water.

With all the money homeowners spend on drinking water, would it or not be reasonable to give some more taxes to city so that they can take responsibility to provide clean and drinkable water to all of us? Is the well water safe to drink? Does anyone know if it is possible for city to set up a plant to supply clean water to every home and business? Can the state health department inspect city water and well water and report how safe are these waters for public health? Does the City of Carmel inspect water quality before sending into homes and businesses?

Babulal Banthia, Carmel

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