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Bench-press rematch to benefit Zionsville Community High School trip to Haiti

CIZ COM 0213 Lift Off 1

ZCHS students and Haitian workers build an addition to the wall and gate at the entrance to Nehemiah Vision Ministries in Chambrun, Haiti, in 2017. (Submitted photo)

CIZ COM 0213 Lift Off 1

By Desiree Williams

Four years after the first contest, Frank Leonard is ready for his bench-press rematch with former Zionsville Community High School football captain Hayden Clark. Leonard, a sales executive at Innovative Integration and father of a ZCHS junior, created the contest to fundraise for the high school’s mission trip to Haiti in March.

“A lot of times these kids have to pay out-of-pocket to go on these trips, and I’m just trying to figure out ways to help them keep their expenses down,” he said.

Leonard and Clark will participate in a “lift-off” at 10 a.m. Feb. 17 at LA Fitness in Carmel. They will bench press 185 pounds. Supporters can make a pledge per lift for whoever they want to sponsor. Checks can be made out to “I’m IN” and sent to 8990 E. 575 S. Zionsville, IN 46077.

The mission trip is organized by I’m IN, a nonprofit focused on leadership and character development. Leonard’s daughters, Clare and Colleen, participated in the mission trip previously, and his daughter, Annie, will travel to Haiti for the second time this year.

“I was called to go and help others, and it’s just really a fun way to serve and help out the country,” Annie said.

Plans for the trip include building an addition to the playground on the Nehemiah Vision Ministries campus, providing resources for children with special needs and breaking ground on a new home and/or community center in Chambrun.

Kelly Antcliff has been a leader and organizer of the Haiti mission trip for the past seven years and said I’m IN is grateful for Leonard’s continued support because groups wouldn’t be able to take the trips without aid from parents and the community.

“(Leonard) knows that every dollar raised goes towards this trip, whether it be to help fund his daughter’s expenses or for supplies for the home our group will build,” Antcliff said. “We have seen that money put to direct use and the impact that has been made down there since our group started making these trips.”

Leonard said the fundraising goal is $3,000.

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