Current Publishing

Local company helps others declutter, gives back to Open Doors

By Noah Alatza

Westfield-based Organizing Remedies has helped people organize and declutter for more than three years, all while giving donations back to the community.

Cindy Garloch encourages others to declutter by donating items to organizations like Open Doors. (Submitted photo)

“It is important to set yourself up for success,” said Cindy Garloch, owner and professional home organizer for Organizing Remedies. “People on average spend seven hours a week looking for their things. I tell clients that by taking the time to purge and organize, you can save yourself valuable time in the future.”

The company provides professional organizing services for customers in Hamilton and Marion counties. Garloch said she regularly donates items people throw out after she organizes their home.

“Most people don’t know they have options,” she said. “I have clients that still have crayons and toys, but now their kid is 25 and there’s no need for it anymore. Teachers and women’s shelters can really benefit here. It resonates with clients and it does direct and immediate good. Many of my clients don’t care where the stuff goes. People donate to big box stores but there are places in our community that could use these items.”

Garloch said she often takes clients’ excess belongings to teachers in need or to local charities, including the religious-based nonprofit Open Doors.

Garloch also helps organize presentations in the community.

For more, visit For more on Open Doors, visit

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