Current Publishing

Letter: There’s only 1 mayor in Carmel

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Every other week, at minimum, there is a “Readers View” from someone beginning the article with “As the unofficial mayor of Carmel.” As a resident of Carmel, I find this very irritating. A city has one mayor, official or unofficial. He or she is elected as the CEO of the city. He has an administration called city council, members that also are elected. This is to provide the checks and balances needed to best insure the interests of the city. They serve the community through the electoral process of its citizens.

To assign a label or title like “unofficial mayor” to oneself gives the impression that you are in a position of authority or have opinions that have greater value than other citizens that have not labeled themselves. If someone wishes to use “Readers View” on a regular basis, so be it, but please don’t use a title to elevate your view.

Carmel has one mayor that the citizens of Carmel have elected for the past 20 years. Like him or don’t like him, but there isn’t another person that should attach the title of mayor to themselves. If this individual chooses to submit his views every week, that is the privilege Current offers. However, please discontinue referring to yourself as “unofficial mayor.”

David Moore, Carmel

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