Current Publishing

Westfield Intermediate School instructor participates in pilot program

Conrad is a member of Space Center Houston’s Space Exploration Educator Crew. At last year’s conference, the group began a pilot program where educators take the year to develop space education curriculum. Conrad is part of the Midwest regional crew called Tranquility.

Katie Conrad is a member of Space Center Houston’s Space Exploration Educator Crew’s Midwest regional group called Tranquility. (Submitted photo)

In February, Conrad will join SEEC at another conference to present on her year in space.

“We have been creating activities and sharing with each other and also communicating with other regions with resources we find or different activities we’ve led,” the 27-year-old Fishers resident said. “So, it’s pretty awesome doing that. The curriculum I’m developing, it’s a lot of different things all related to something space, but it also connects to standards.”

Throughout the year, Conrad updated her blog with activities she’s applied with students and then presented to other crew members in SEEC. The blog is available at

Above all, Conrad said the collaboration with fellow educators has been the most helpful.

“I was able to talk to so many different teachers and learn of so many different resources I had not even thought of,” she said. “As I go through things, I’m constantly thinking about space and how something connects to space. It doesn’t matter what subject. You can look at a standard or activity to connect to space that goes with what you’re teaching. I’m able to share that passion and share all that information with the kids.”

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