Current Publishing

Carmel City Council stops Duke Energy from building new power lines near Rohrer Road

Duke Energy logo.svg

The Carmel City Council unanimously voted Nov. 20 to stop Duke Energy from proceeding with a plan to build power lines to feed a new substation along Rohrer Road.

Neighbors have expressed concerns about tree removal, unsightly poles and cancer potentially caused by proximity to lines.

City Councilor Ron Carter said these above ground lines would be an eyesore.

“I think it’s an important step to look at the practice of running wires above ground that is really outmoded and not really appropriate,” he said.

Carter said he believes that Carmel’s recently passed ordinance requiring utilities to bury lines would apply in this case. Duke Energy officials have said they believe the law doesn’t apply here.

“I guess it’ll be up to a judge to decide,” Carmel Mayor Jim Brainard said.

The ordinance passed Nov. 20 states that the council believes Duke Energy’s proposed power line path is not “in the public interest” and as a result Duke will need to receive approval from Carmel’s Board of Public Works before proceeding.

Carmel City Councilor Jeff Worrell recused himself because he owns a piece of property that possibly could be affected.

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