Current Publishing

Carmel Clay Public Library program explores how to feed Earth’s booming population

By Raiha Zainab

The United Nations has predicted that the world’s population will rise to 9.6 billion by 2050 and that food production will need to rise by 70 percent to meet demands. The Carmel Clay Public Library is offering a program to explore ways to make it happen.


“Does the World Get Fed in 2050?” will be held from 7 to 8 p.m. Oct. 12 in the program room.

“It is designed to be educational and thought-provoking on the general topic of food throughout the world but also the technologies available to increase the food supply that are sometimes controversial,” CCPL Communications Manager Beth Jenneman stated in an email.

The library is providing the program as part of its yearlong theme, which is Investigate: Science and Technology at Your Library.

“While most people in developed countries have adequate access to food and clean water, many in the developing world do not,” Jenneman said. “As the world population continues to grow, so will the need for an adequate food supply. Carmel residents should educate themselves and be aware of the situation, especially young people, who will be faced with these issues and finding solutions to them in the future. Food insecurity is an issue right here at home.”

The library has invited speaker Vahid Adum, an ambassador for Dow AgroSciences, who will talk about how science and technology can be used to feed the growing population sustainably. The presentation will include details about biotechnology, GMOs, nutrient deficiency and food insecurity.

The event is open to the public and guests will have the opportunity to listen and ask questions. Registration is not required.

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