Current Publishing

Letter: Raise the Monon


After reading your “Safe Crossing” article in the Current (Current in Westfield, Aug. 29 edition), I felt compelled to share several observations I have witnessed on the 161st Street crossing.

Approaching the Monon from the west side, I saw oncoming traffic even closer to the trail. Then out from the north of the trail walked a woman waiving her arms to stop traffic. What appalled me was the fact she never broke her stride. Never stopped or slowed down.

I have had cyclists zoom right across without hesitation as well.

A few weeks ago as I was approaching from the east, a woman in a black sedan crossing from the west side was struck by a cyclist traveling north. Both stopped and I’m grateful both were OK.

It’s not just the Monon crossing. Recently, a cyclist traveling south on the Monon turned westbound onto 161st and began to enter the eastbound traffic (my lane). I was nearly stopped before he turned away and allowed me to pass. The look of arrogance expressed was disturbing. As I observed in my rearview mirror, he crossed behind me to enter the new development on the Monon. Had he just crossed at the intersection he could have entered the development without riding down 161st Street to enter the complex.

The rules, laws and right-of-ways have been explained. I believe we need to stop pretending that all of a sudden people will begin to act responsibly before someone dies. Let’s motion to raise Monon at these busiest crossings before lives are lost and countless others shattered.

Mike Spadaro, Westfield

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