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Traders Point Christian Church aims to improve total body health 

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By Renee Larr

Traders Point Christian Church wants to offer a sense of community centered around total body health. For 20 years it has offered fitness classes for Whitestown and Zionsville residents. There are eight different classes taught by volunteer instructors.

“At TPCC we really want our church building to be used by the community that makes it a normal place to hang out,” said Erica Thomas, communications director. “We have a park that is an indoor playground. We have different Bible studies and group meetings. We host guest speakers. Fitness is another extension.”

Classes are $2 per session or $13 per month for unlimited sessions.

“It’s been a really awesome sense of community for people. It’s definitely a great group of people who gather to focus on their whole self,” Thomas said.

TPCC wants to assist community members and church members attain physical and spiritual well-being.

“We don’t want to focus on just providing for people in the community financially, tangibly or through spiritual development,” she said. “It’s more of valuing the whole person. It’s a part of our development and growth.”

Child care is also available.

“We don’t want those real-life circumstances like finances or child care to be a reason for them not to participate. We try to keep it affordable so that more people can come. We feel like it’s a really awesome thing to offer the community,” Thomas said.

Participants do not have to attend TPCC to participate in classes.

“We have a lot of people who come who aren’t members of the church,” Thomas said. “The people that keep coming back just enjoy being together. They look forward to the classes.”

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