Current Publishing

Snapshot: Carmel Fire Dept. hosts Firefighter for a Day

A trailer is set up to mimic a burning house. Zahar Rush exists the house, helped by firefighter Grant Russel and his wife, Lauren Russel, both volunteers. (Photo by Sara Baldwin)

A trailer is set up to mimic a burning house. Zahar Rush exists the house, helped by firefighter Grant Russel and his wife, Lauren Russel, both volunteers. (Photo by Sara Baldwin)

The Carmel Fire Dept. hosted the fifth annual Firefighter for a Day Camp at Prairie Trace School June 14-16. Approximately 450 kids were expected to participate over the course of three days. Sponsored by Carmel Fire Dept., Clay Township and the International Association of Firefighters Local 4444, the free camp is open to anyone ages 7-13. Food and supplies were provided by Kroger and Chick-fil-A. The firefighters involved volunteered their time off, and several family members of firefighters volunteered as well.

“We enjoy it just as much as the kids,” said Tim Griffin, Carmel Fire Dept. public information officer.

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