Current Publishing

Meet your teacher: Jan Carnes

CIW COM 0411 MYTCarnes

Grade/Subject at what school: Seventh grade College/Career Readiness

Number of years teaching: 20

Background/Schooling (college & high school):

Why did you become a teacher? “As a child, I loved playing school with my friends. Then in high school, I had two inspiring teachers that encouraged me to become a teacher. I love what I do, and I look forward to coming to school every morning!”

What goals do you have for your students? “I want students to have a desire to learn not just for grades in the classroom, but for their future. It is important for students to grasp the opportunities they have every day in preparation for what is to come. Education is cumulative, you may not remember everything you learn, but it changes you and becomes a part of who you are. Hopefully they recognize that learning will impact their future life, career, and communities. I’m hoping to help students to be difference makers in their part of the world.”

What do you encourage parents to do at home to help their children strengthen particular skills? “Parents can continually encourage their children to pursue their own interest and dreams. Discover what excites them and then do what it takes to achieve their goals. Be an encourager to your child, they are very special, unique and gifted.”

Name your favorite movie. “‘Remember the Titans’”

Name your favorite musician or band. “Contemporary Christian music; Natalie Grant, Mercy Me, Hawk Nelson, and Danny Gokey.”

What’s something your students might not know about you? “I grew up training and showing horses.”

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