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Letter: An open letter to President Trump


Thank you Mr. President. You are Making America Great Again (uou are the president and I am not). Thanks to you, I am so tired of winning that my head is spinning. Believe me. Now that you and Speaker Ryan are working hand-in-glove, we are certain to get out of this mess left by the previous president. As you said, the decision not to repeal Obamacare, which is a disaster and is going to explode anyway, is the fault of the Democrats. They own it now. Sad. Who knew health care was so complicated?

And this thing about Russia. That is just fake news. Like you, Mr. Putin is a strong leader, so strong that his critics often end up dead. I guess they would rather die than stay on his bad side. You, on the other hand, have so many people who love you there’s no need for anyone to die, unless you really do repeal Obamacare. Those people are all losers, anyway, and we need winners. It’s winners like you that can replace Obamacare with something terrific.

Count me among the 40 percent of Americans who believe you’re doing a great job. Unbelievable! All those executive orders. All those campaign rallies. I mean, who besides you could ban Muslims, defeat ISIS and make the cheating NATO members send us all of those checks? You told us we will stop creating bad jobs and have only good jobs. You’ve already got jobs for your relatives in the White House, and Ivanka’s working for free! You have shown the world what true leadership is. Now that you have put Iran on notice and everything is on the table with North Korea, I feel much safer.

There is so much more to praise. I didn’t even mention the wall or a possible trade war with China. But, hey, I don’t want you to get the big head. Keep up the good work.

Michael Sweeten, Carmel

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