Current Publishing

Opinion: Give the old gung ho

AA VIEWS 0314 Egan letter

Commentary by Richard K. Egan

To be sure, the world we live in isn’t what it used to be. Well, really, nothing is anymore. What was the world back then, and was it any more fun than now? Do we still say that those were the good old days? We had tar-paved streets over cobblestone, and the car you drove had to be black. Mother hung clothes on a line in the backyard, and dear ol’ Dad shoveled the coal into a shoot.

Oh, yea, we cast our vote for the candidate we wished and forgot them until the next ballot as the elected did the same to us. Boy, have things changed. First radio then television, and now Internet. The quickest we used to get breaking news was an extra edition of the newspaper sold on street corners. Now, it’s all instantly being slung at us by so many sources; it is hard to keep up with it all.

Breaking news, no news, fake news, slanted news, right or left news. In today’s world, it’s hard to differentiate fact from fiction. Everyone seems to have the right answers, which makes for strange bedfellows.

Right or wrong, we still have to live with each other whether we want to or not. This is still our country, our land of the free, our heritage, and ours to have and to hold. Somehow, somewhere, someone, must stand tall to unite us as one people under God, as our forefathers intended. That someone is you. It starts with you and then another until we again have the United States of America. Don’t give up or in, give the old gung ho to ‘make America great again.’

Richard K. Egan is a retired interior decorator, born a Buckeye, Hoosier at heart. He has been married to his sweetheart Evelyn for 62 years. They have five children, 10 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. He is active in the Indianapolis Aero Club as past president and sergeant of arms.

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