Current Publishing

Letter: Your comments are ‘sexist and discriminatory’

Dear Mr. Anker,

I am writing in response to your insensitive article in January 31, 2017, Current in Carmel. You completely trivialized the Women’s March, something you obviously know little about. The Women’s March is a closed group, yet by last count it was attended by 750,000 men, women (myself included), children, the elderly, and the handicapped in Washington, D.C. Numerous other states as well as all seven continents participated in what is considered the largest, peaceful demonstration in U.S. history.

As a past (I hope) member of the Indiana Humanities Council Board, you have trivialized a humanitarian issue. The mission of the Indiana Humanities Council: “connect people, open minds and enriches lives by creating and facilitating programs that encourage Hoosiers to think, read and talk.”

If you had researched the Women’s March, you would have found one underlying theme: equality for all in all areas of life. In addition, why would you think that the individuals that attended the march “made a bit of noise and then went home?” There is a 10 Actions, 100 Days agenda that went into effect immediately after the march. This is just the beginning.

Your comments are sexist and discriminatory. I wonder if you even realize how many women in influential positions in Carmel attended the Washington, D.C. March? Would you recognize a real Burberry scarf from a knock-off? What was the point of that comment anyway and how is it germane to your argument?

You owe all participants of all the Women’s Marches a public apology. I expect to see it printed in next week’s Current.

Joan Cimino


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