Current Publishing

Letter: Tobacco tax must be raised


I am writing you to express a very important issue to me and my community, the increase in tobacco tax.

Indiana is a state that smokes. One in five Hoosiers are smokers, and it is taking a toll on our health and economy. While Indiana has been busy attracting new businesses, our consistently poor health rankings are holding us back.

To improve the overall health of Hoosiers, and the health of the Hoosier economy, we need to raise the tobacco tax in Indiana by $1.50 per pack.

Research shows that increasing the overall price of tobacco is the most effective method for decreasing tobacco rates, especially among youth. Our tobacco tax is considerably lower than almost all of our neighboring states. This increase would generate more than $300 million in revenue that could be used to boost Indiana’s prevention and cessation efforts and further advance statewide health initiatives to make Indiana a healthier place to live and work.

With the current legislature in session, I encourage you to use your platform to help inform community members as well as urge them to take action.

Lorna Steele


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