Current Publishing

Letter: Clearing up misconceptions in Anker column


I would like to clear up some misconceptions Terry Anker seems to have about those of us who showed up to march, either in DC or downtown Indianapolis. We didn’t do so because we were generically angry and wanted “people to know about it” as Terry erroneously surmised. We came with specific concerns for specific marginalized groups about specific legislation that has been promised by the incoming administration.

The fact that the president lost the popular vote by nearly 3,000,000 votes is not insignificant. The majority of the voting populace is displeased with the outcome of the election is and critically concerned about what this administration will mean for women, refugees, immigrants, people of color, people who need access to healthcare, and more.

Mr. Anker is right about one thing, however. When we left our marches, we did go home.  We went home and started calling our senators, donating our dollars, making plans to run for office, and volunteering our time and talents in real and material ways.

We did go home, Mr. Anker.  We went home and got to work.


Stephanie Sullivan

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