Current Publishing

Letter: Characterization of marchers incorrect


I am writing in response to Terry Anker’s commentary column from the Jan. 31 issue of Current. As a woman who marched in Indianapolis on Jan. 21, I find your characterization of the marchers to be belittling, insulting and downright incorrect. You seem to think that the marchers were a bunch of over-privileged airheads making “a bit of noise” for the “fun of it all.” Perhaps if you had attended you would understand that we were—and are – standing up to an administration that is implementing policies that threaten the very fabric of our great nation. Enumerating those policies here would take many column inches, as the list seems to grow longer by the day. Suffice it to say that we are not “self-possessed with (our) own grievance,” but are united in opposition to a president who seeks to divide us—by race, by religion, by gender, by heritage. And we may have gone home, but we will not be quiet. This is only the beginning.

Erin Vahrenkamp, Carmel

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