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Letter: Affordable health care “critically important”

An open letter to Senator Todd Young,

I have to admit to being very disappointed in the way Senate Republicans kow tow the the president, especially on heath care.

The Affordable Care Act certainly had its flaws, but to watch the party of Lincoln now try and dismantle a health care program that served millions of Americans…many of who would not have any health care coverage…and to do so merely because the president demands it, leaves some with the appearance that he thinks he is running the show. In face the Senate and House are running the show, or at least they should be.

Senator, maybe you don’t believe that affordable health care is critically important to the citizens of this country. In that case you are letting politics get in the way of your obligation to not only those who put you in Washington, but to all the citizens of this country. That obligation is good government, a government “for” the people.

I am a retired solder. In the Army we had a motto, “Soldiers take care of Soldiers”. I would hope that our country would adopt “Americans taking care of Americans” as a worthy path to include all Americans in some sort of effective health care.

SFC John C. Ruthroff 

USA, Retired


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