Current Publishing

Letter: A nod to policing


It is not uncommon to see on the news some sort of police misconduct. The reality is that there is far more good than bad in modern policing, especially in Fishers. The citizens and businesses of Fishers have shown tremendous support during these uncertain times of policing. Your acts of kindness and written support means more than you can imagine.

The traditional motto of policing is to “protect and serve.” On a daily basis, the men and women of the Fishers Police Dept. work to do both. FPD takes pride in keeping Fishers a safe place to live, work and play. It has been the hallmark of what makes Fishers one of the best cities in America. However, I think many of our citizens do not realize how our officers serve them beyond normal day-to-day policing.

This past December our “Cops & Kids” program provided a wonderful Christmas for many children that would have otherwise gone without. Our officers assisted a single mother with painting bedrooms and providing basic necessities for the home. They also provided food and a place to stay for a homeless family living out of a van. A local resident even helped the father find a job.

I often speak of the stories that our officers come with when we hire them, the background that makes each of them unique. What I have come to realize is that those officers continue to write their stories every day with the tremendous work that they do. We should all be grateful for their service to our community.


Mitch Thompson, Chief of Police

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