Current Publishing

Letter: Fieldhouse, Finch Creek Park a boondoggle


Wow. Lots of money when the city had none and needed residents to pay for trash pick up.

This back door deal was passed so they could spend COIT windfall on raises, additional employees, etc., and now the selling of park ground previously sold/given to city for a park, for an expensive playground that may attract only a few.

How about one person being in charge of all diamonds and fields which would allow for maximum utilization of resources before another TIF regarding a large complex that won’t be affordable to the majority of taxpayers? Recall we have schools and other government agencies that have facilities that should be made available for use. And how about consulting with Fishers or the Carmel Dads club about the maximizing of use issues!

Finch Creek is a new name for this park, and what happened to the master plan or the Village concept studied in prior years? What happened to the water run off issues? One could easily go on and on about this proposal. Too expensive and not needed!

Jim Williams


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