Current Publishing

Mt. Vernon launches exchange program

CIG COM 1220 MVCSC exchange program

The Taiwan Miaoli County delegates toured Mt. Vernon Middle School and Mt. Vernon High School last month, learning about the programs, facilities and opportunities available to students. Pictured, from left, Hsiang-Hung Hsieh, teacher at Gong Guan Elementary School, Brooke Tharp, assistant principal at MVHS, Shanhua Huang, principal at Gong Guan Elementary School, Kai-Wen "Angel" Yin, director of English Teaching Resource Center and Curriculum Advisor for the Education Dept. in Miaoli County Government, Taiwan, Greg Roach, principal at MVHS and Yi-Fan Lin, MVHS Mandarin Chinese Teacher, from Taiwan. (Submitted photo)

The Taiwan Miaoli County delegates toured Mt. Vernon Middle School and Mt. Vernon High School last month, learning about the programs, facilities and opportunities available to students. Pictured, from left, Hsiang-Hung Hsieh, teacher at Gong Guan Elementary School, Brooke Tharp, assistant principal at MVHS, Shanhua Huang, principal at Gong Guan Elementary School, Kai-Wen “Angel” Yin, director of English Teaching Resource Center and Curriculum Advisor for the Education Dept. in Miaoli County Government, Taiwan, Greg Roach, principal at MVHS and Yi-Fan Lin, MVHS Mandarin Chinese Teacher, from Taiwan. (Submitted photo)

By Sadie Hunter

Mt. Vernon Community School Corp. last month launched a comprehensive International Exchange Program.

Collaborations have begun with Anshan, China, and Maioli County, Taiwan, with a goal to bring international students to MVCSC in the 2017-18 school year and also send MVCSC students and staff abroad.

The district’s English Immersion Exchange opportunities include a two-week summer camp, a semester experience or a full-year student exchange. Tuition is being developed for each option.

The district said later stages of the program will include the development of aormitory, with the former Fortville Boys & Girls Home as a potential site. MVCSC also has identified an independent investor, who has expressed an interest in the development.

“The international learning opportunities are a significant step for Mt. Vernon students,” Supt. Shane Robbins said. “We will foster the international partnerships in education between Taiwan and China and provide their students with a safe learning environment and a complete English-immersion experience.”

Recently, MVCSC administrators participated in the Global Forum on Education at Kokomo Schools in Kokomo. Several Chinese and Taiwanese delegates attended. At the forum, a memorandum of agreement to continue educational collaboration was signed by Robbins.

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