Current Publishing

Hamilton County completes Hazmat training

Participants and guests involved in the Oct. 13 morning training exercise. (Submitted photos)

Participants and guests involved in the Oct. 13 morning training exercise. (Submitted photos)

On Oct. 12, 13 and 14, a three-day training exercise was conducted in conjunction with Hamilton County Emergency Management and Hamilton County Local Emergency Planning Committee at the training grounds on River Road in Noblesville.

Scenarios were designed to test and train emergency responders in real-life situations that law enforcement and fire departments may be exposed to. The training also assessed tactics, skills and equipment used in the responses to those situations.

The October training included simulated hazmat materials, such as an anhydrous ammonia release, the discovery of a meth lab and release of hazmat materials that could possibly contaminate soil, air and water.

Departments participating in the training included Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office; Noblesville Police Dept.; Noblesville Fire Dept.; Carmel Police Dept.; Carmel Fire Dept.; Westfield Police Dept.; Westfield Fire Dept.; Cicero Fire Dept.; Fishers Fire Dept.; Indiana State Police; Dept. of Natural Resources; and Hamilton County Public Safety Communications. The training was to encourage the cooperation of the departments in preparation for a variety of man-made and natural disasters.

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