Current Publishing

First Lady Karen Pence awards grant to Chaucie’s Place

Hamilton County Prosecutor Lee Buckingham (left) and Chaucie’s Place Board President Richard F. Taylor III (right) with First Lady Karen Pence at the awards reception. (Submitted photo)

Hamilton County Prosecutor Lee Buckingham (left) and Chaucie’s Place Board President Richard F. Taylor III (right) with First Lady Karen Pence at the awards reception. (Submitted photo)

Hamilton County Prosecutor Lee Buckingham (left) and Chaucie’s Place Board President Richard F. Taylor III (right) with First Lady Karen Pence at the awards reception. (Submitted photo)

First Lady Karen Pence hosted the eighth and final award reception for grant recipients of the Indiana First Lady’s Charitable Foundation at the Governor’s Residence on Oct. 6, where she awarded $38,000 to 40 organizations and charities that serve Hoosier families and children across the state. Chaucie’s Place was represented by Hamilton County Prosecutor Lee Buckingham and Chaucie’s Place Board President Richard F. Taylor III, who were on hand to receive the award.

“When Mike was elected Governor, I was overwhelmed with requests from so many worthy organizations to get involved in their efforts. However, it quickly became clear that I couldn’t be at every event, nor could I champion every cause. That is why I, along with a team of dedicated board members, started the Indiana First Lady’s Charitable Foundation as a way to shine a light on the organizations across Indiana who lift up our communities and make our state strong,” First Lady Karen Pence stated.

“Chaucie’s Place is one of those organizations that is doing great work for our Hoosier children and families, and it is an honor to recognize them today,” stated Pence.


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