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Letter: Can Carmel stop being so mean to kids?


How come Carmel is becoming mean to children? I used to think it was fun to be a kid here. Now, I don’t know.

First, they took away the candy guys from the Carmelfest Parade. This year, I had to just sit and watch all the dumb floats go by. No candy tosses, no excitement.

Now, they are talking about taking another favorite away:  tossing bread bits to the ducks and geese on city property. I could be guilty of breaking the law? I know lots of kids my age (six), even those 16 and 60, that like to feed ducks, especially baby ones. Who has to pay the fine? Me, or my daddy? If daddy doesn’t pay the fine will he have to go to jail?

Why does the City of Carmel want to punish me and my kid friends when it is the big people who caused a problem by letting too many foul fowl congregate on city property? Can’t they figure a way to get rid of them? Maybe they could change the dumb laws that prohibit killing them? Oops, that might make someone cry. Well, maybe the big folks don’t know that a swan or two will drive away all the nasty geese. Swans looks so elegant, too. Maybe just a couple of cute signs, “Please don’t feed nasty waterfowl.”

Please, can Carmel stop being so mean to kids?

John Curran, age six (many years ago), Carmel

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