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Letter: Apply to create a pledge to state flag


We hear so much about all that is not going well in our country, and to be sure we are not perfect here in the USA, but there is much to honor as well.

We recently celebrated our country’s 240th birthday, watched as our amazing USA Olympic athletes brought home more medals than any other country, and although it is politically a “trying time” we should also celebrate that we are able to hold a presidential election and vote for the candidates of our choice. Along with those remarkable and noteworthy blessings, Hoosiers are celebrating our 200th birthday this year! Many events are planned by various organizations to recognize this special occasion.

In 1916, upon the 100-year centennial anniversary of our state, a contest was held by the Indiana Daughters of the American Revolution, which sought designs for a new flag. Paul Hadley of Mooresville won that contest, submitting the flag design still used today: blue with yellow stars representing states and a torch representing liberty and enlightenment. The General Assembly adopted the banner in 1917, later designating it the official state flag in 1955. For his efforts, Mr. Hadley won a $100 prize from the Indiana Daughters of the American Revolution.

This year the INDAR will offer a prize of $200 in their “Salute Indiana” competition, which seeks the creation of a salute or pledge to the Indiana State Flag. Entries are being accepted now at until Sept. 2. The winning submission will be brought before the Indiana General Assembly for approval. I encourage any Indiana resident, 13 years or older, to apply.   More information is available on the official contest website.

Currently, only 17 states have a pledge or salute to their flags. Let’s join them and give our State of Indiana a salute that will be appropriate for use by organizations in ceremonies and rituals.

Sharon McMahon
Daughters of the American Revolution

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