Current Publishing

Where’s Amy attends 2016 Indiana State Fair

ND 0823 Wheres Amy State Fair4

Where’s Amy always loves stopping by the Mac Reynolds Barn. The Reynolds Farm Equipment store in Fishers is always a big hit with the fair crowd, and it was awesome to run into Ashley Whelchel of Fishers, Craig Black of Alexandria, Ind., Michael Lawson of Noblesville and Haley Prewitt of Fortville.

Commentary by Amy Pauszek

Where’s Amy attended another exciting Indiana State Fair celebrating Indiana’s bicentennial with 10 acres of thrilling rides for the entire family, two acres of fair food, special animal and craft exhibits and, my favorite, attending the free, live concerts. My highlights included a chance to photograph The Fray’s Isaac Slade perform live on stage, chomping down with friends on fresh grilled corn on the cob and my annual visit to the Mac Reynold’s Barn. It was hot, humid and rainy but well worth the multiple visits.

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