Current Publishing

811 Day Block Party planned for Carmel

Indiana’s first 811 Day Block Party in Carmel will take place on Aug. 11, a date that serves as a reminder to always contact 811 prior to any digging project. Always have utility lines located and marked – it’s for safety, and it’s the law.

At the event, taking place from 4-7 p.m. at 221 W. Main St., there will be several educational opportunities:

• Learn how contacting 811 keeps neighborhoods safe and connected

• See how professional locators find buried utilities

• Have your picture taken for free with Holey Moley, 811’s official mascot

• Meet City of Carmel firefighters and emergency medical services (EMS) responders

• Pick up a free t-shirt and other prizes

• Enjoy free drinks, cookies and snow cones for adults and kids

• Have fun with free face painting, music and games

• Check out the Pacer’s Fan Van

This free event is open to the public.

According to a press release from the City of Carmel Utilities, there are more than 20 million miles of buried utilities in the United States. These utilities provide everything from water, electricity, natural gas and 911 services to Internet access and cable. Every six minutes one of these utilities is damaged because someone didn’t contact 811 before digging.

When 811 is used properly, this federally designated call before you dig system helps homeowners and professionals avoid damaging vital utilities 99 percent of the time.

Visit for more information about 811 and safe digging practices.

This event is sponsored by the following organizations: USIC, Vectren, Marathon Pipeline, IURC, IN811, Tallgrass, Miller Pipeline, SAMCO, Carmel Utilities, IPL, JDH, Badger Daylighting Corp, Citizens

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