Current Publishing

Opinion: Something for anything

We all want to help. It is human nature; or at the very least, we still can claim it among the qualities in the better part of our selves. When someone else is suffering, it gives us an opportunity to reach out in support of their need. They get a little boost, and we get to feel good about ourselves. Who loses in that equation, right? Moreover, life teaches that we are on the upward slant of life one minute and on the downward the next. So, our aid somehow guarantees that someone will help us when our fortunes are down. Let’s call it an investment in the Karma bank.

Whatever the motivation, self-interest, or altruism that leads us down the path, we all find ourselves, at one point or another, in a giving state of mind. We give money. We give time. We give advice. We give lots of advice. We give support. We give a hand up. We give. We give. We give. The only thing, perhaps better said – the only question that we might consider, is are we giving what’s needed? Are we giving what’s wanted?

Some people think that doing anything is the same as doing something. Don’t misunderstand the instinct. It is good to share – especially if by choice and not government decree. But when we confuse the general for the specific, are we really serving? If water is needed and we send coins, is thirst quenched? If tough love is the order of the day, do our sweet words fit the bill? Are we simply doing anything instead of doing something – the thing? If we focus on our own actions instead of the needs of others, are we really serving our desire to be valued rather than the legitimate requirement of the target of our largess?

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