Current Publishing

Letter: Mass transit is a losing proposition


Mass transit and Carmel tax payers (are) being sucked into another losing proposition. It’s been done around the country. (Current Publishers) Brian (Kelly) and Steve (Greenberg), can’t agree with you more. But, as she said, it’s only a tall $18 beverage. Sorry, I don’t spend that kind of money on beverages, and I resent being forced to. That ends up being $216 a year. Yeah, to me that’s a lot of money to lose. But especially I resent the sneaky way they try to push the mass transit through. People in Carmel won’t use it. I worked (in) downtown Indy for 12 years and used public transportation. When my work schedule changed, and I couldn’t work 8 to 5, I had to stop. I rode the Trailways bus and the Sheridan bus line those 12 years, Indy to Carmel. So, I do have experience behind my thinking. Appreciate your thinking and article in Current. Please keep up the good job trying to inform the public.

Stephen Audritsh


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